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Posted February 28, 2024

How the Colour Green Improves Our Mood and Spaces

Adding houseplants enhances air quality, boosts mental well-being, and increases productivity. Their aesthetic appeal transforms spaces into vibrant, serene environments, while also acting as natural humidifiers. Houseplants offer a simple way to improve health and create a more inviting atmosphere in any living or working space.


Houseplants Increase Our Home’s Air Quality!

A report published by Hort Denisa, Cantor Maria, Buta Erzsebet, and Andriescu Iona on the Benefits and Positive Effects of Some Houseplants on Indoor Air Quality found that plants increase “humidity from 5 to 10%, [therefore reducing] the degree of discomfort associated with dry air inside homes and offices.” Through a process called transpiration, plants release moisture vapor, which increases humidity indoors and can be beneficial for our respiratory health.


Additionally, the authors found that one of the main advantages to owning houseplants is their “power to sweat, releasing toxins and fine droplets that capture toxins and reduce the concentration of dust by 20% and automatically the concentration of allergens, germs, and bacteria by 50-60% in a room.” Basically, plants can absorb toxins and pollutants from the air, producing cleaner, healthier air to breathe.


The Colour Green Improves Our Mood

The colour green is often found to be comforting for several reasons, many of which are rooted in psychology, physiology, and our natural environment. Adding green into home, with using houseplants, can improve our mood and how we interact with our space.


First, green is associated with nature since it is the colour of chlorophyll, a pigment found in plants. Nature greens represent growth, renewal, and life and can evoke a sense of peace and tranquility.


Second, green is a colour that lies in the middle of the visible spectrum, making it one of the most restful and least fatiguing colours for our eyes. This is partly because looking at green requires the eye to make fewer adjustments, which can lead to a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Exposure to the colour green may produce physiological effects, such as lowered blood pressure and heart rate, contributing to a sense of calmness and comfort.


Thirdly, the colour green correlates with therapeutic qualities. The concept of "green therapy" or "eco-therapy" involves immersing individuals in natural environments to take advantage of the therapeutic effects of nature, including exposure to the colour green. Some research suggests that being exposed to green environments or even viewing green scenes can reduce anxiety and stress levels, improve attention, and contribute to overall emotional well-being.


Green Encourages Creativity

Green is believed to encourage creative thinking, which can be comforting for those engaged in creative pursuits or seeking innovative solutions to problems. Incorporating plants into your space is an easy solution for this.


In a 2012 study titled, Fertile Green: Green Facilitates Creative Performance, German researchers discovered that a brief two-second exposure to the colour green prior to engaging in a creative activity enhanced individuals' creative performance, in contrast to short glimpses of other colours such as white, grey, red, and blue; this was dubbed “the green effect.”


Green can enhance cognitive functioning. Some research suggests that being in green environments or even viewing green scenery can enhance cognitive functioning, including attention and motivation, which are crucial for creative tasks. For example, a study from the University of Munich showed that participants scored higher on creativity tasks when they were presented against a green background as opposed to other colours.


Green's strong association with nature can also play a role in its ability to enhance creativity. Nature is inherently diverse and innovative in its forms and processes, and this diversity can inspire creative thinking. Studies have shown that spending time in nature or even looking at nature scenes can increase creativity and problem-solving skills. For instance, a study published in "PLOS ONE" found that participants who walked in nature showed a 50% increase in creativity test scores.


While these points highlight the potential of green to foster creativity, it's important to note that creativity is a complex process influenced by numerous factors, including individual differences, task nature, and environmental conditions. Therefore, while green can create a conducive environment for creativity, it is one of many elements that can contribute to creative performance.



Incorporating houseplants, and the colour green, into your space can significantly enhance your living and working environments by purifying the air, reducing stress and anxiety, increasing creativity, and boosting concentration and productivity. The natural ability of plants to absorb pollutants and release oxygen leads to cleaner, healthier air, while their presence has been scientifically linked to improved mental well-being and relaxation. Furthermore, the aesthetic appeal of houseplants can transform a space, adding vibrant life and a sense of calm. Beyond their visual beauty, plants act as natural humidifiers, maintaining comfortable humidity levels, which can be particularly beneficial in dry conditions or in environments with artificial heating or cooling. Overall, adding houseplants to your space is a simple, effective way to create a more healthful, creative, serene, and inviting atmosphere.

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